Wednesday 22 September 2021

Mom Chronicles #3

You know how kids are! 

They're INSANE - insanely adamant, insanely argumentative, insanely curious and insanely INSANELY CUTE! And only because they're THIS addddooorrraaabbbllleee and cute, are we able to put up with their other insanities !! Hahaha... At least that's been my theory about kids since the time I have one :-)

They constantly feel emotions and feelings and react to everything around them. I mean, anything can make them ecstatic...... Bubbles, words, farts, a colour, handkerchief, a moving curtain, fan, someone walking, sneeze, tree leaves, etc. 

Similarly, anything can tick them off and set them on a crazy spiral of anger, frustration and incessant, overflowing, unstoppable tears. This becomes more intense as they grow from the infancy stage. They're more in control and aware of their feelings and hence express it, without filter, all the time, at rattling speed.

Take for example, my three year old! 
Yesterday he went berserk because while giving him a bath, I dared to lift the red mug with my left hand. Left hand!!!! How could I? Why did I do that? I didn't even bother to think before doing it and nor did I inform him about my upcoming action. This was a punishable offence as far as he was concerned. So, I had to, of course, apologize to him, the red mug, my right hand and the soap (why the soap you ask - because it was the sorry witness of my sin, maybe)! And after the bath, I had to give him red and blue colour gems as MY punishment. 

Or that one time when the online school was celebrating "Independence Day". Well! What can I say! HOW DARE THEY! Colour a flag you said? Sing the National Anthem you said? I mean, what kind of a devil should one be to even think of celebrating such a thing! That there were tears, is an absolute understatement. The scar from that celebration lasted a solid one hour. I couldn't even find out what exactly made him so unhappy about independence day. Especially because, a few hours after this, he HIMSELF sat and coloured the flag and even tried to wear it on his shirt with excitement!

There was this once when he cried, cried a little more, wailed and sobbed uncontrollably for ten mins - because I said "WOW" as a happy reaction to a "painting" he had made. I can't even explain this to anyone. After ten mins though, he looked so cheerful and regular, that one could have easily thought the crying child was maybe a twin! Hehehehe!

That's how they are! Insanely crazy! Always brimming with energy, ideas, thoughts, feelings - big big feelings, emotions, questions (my goodness .... the sheer volume of questions!!!!), plans, etc etc.

They are like this ALL THE TIME ! They sleep only because physically God has (thankfully) designed it so! Otherwise, ALL the kids I know, DON'T want to sleep. Why waste all that time when you can just ask questions or do something silly or watch a feather fly! 

Or better still, FART, spend ten mins laughing and then suddenly cry, because you didn't want to fart at that time!!!!! :-)


  1. Too cute this post is... Can only think of Tanu going Kyunnnnn... More strength and patience to you to handle the crazy one !!! 😘😘😘

  2. Sooo cute...Smi I just love the way u have described all the things moms go through bringing up kids and yet love them insanely...u are a great mom and humorous writer too much loveπŸ€—πŸ˜˜

  3. This is so so true and well written. Many of us are going through this while we read this blog!

  4. It makes me so happy that I know this little guy you are talking about ❤️
    This is by far the most entertaining read summed up so hilariously in your wordsπŸ˜‚ My favourite is the left hand mug story. Straight from some fairy tale where things talk.
    He is magical and so are your encounters with him. Please write moreee!

  5. hahaha...cuteness and craziness overload. But such situations can be a real test of your patience. Lovely article Smita...reminder for all moms to look for humour in the situation :)

  6. Cent percent true yaar Smita ! Exactly my feelings but you’ve penned them down beautifully. Can imagine our kids in all the instances you’ve mentioned and can do that because you wrote it so nicely. ❤️❤️

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  9. Tanu is a typical Mumbai monsoon baby.When it rains it pours (tears), and just like that you get beautiful days filled with radiant sunshine.All his rapid fire questions are like a burst of sudden downpour, especially when you've forgotten to take your umbrella. And, always remember, that red mug is not yours to touch..With your left hand..

  10. Haha. You are tired. Go to sleep. Another adventure awaits tmrw...

  11. Aap roz blog likhne wale ho...KYAAAAAAAAAA? :D I'm sure you encounter multiple such entertaining stories every day. You should definitely write one a day! :)

  12. Tanay is so adorable! His own little adventures and excitements and your experiences in bringing him up are making you both a great pair!

    Loved it :)

    Please do write more:)

  13. It feels as if you are narrating scenes from a typical toddler/preschoolers house. Basically we are never right. LOL. Had fun reading it Smi. Like how you find humour in all these situations. Wanna read more of these. Hugs n lots of love.

  14. Hahaha this is so cute! I will never forget him responding with a "kyun??!!" when I told him I love him :D
    Please write more!

  15. A well written article with humour being its undercurrent

    We are amazed that you could pen your experience down , when did you find time

    Tanay doesnt have a twin its his ALTEREGO


    Keep penning your thoughts , its more for us than for you to keep us amused , not at your enjoyable discomforts but at the unique ways the child teaches us how to react

    Keep us entertained more often 😁😁

  16. It was so nice to read this Smi... Tanay is so cute and funny :) in fact I too go through this every single day!! Such a great idea to look at the humour angle :D

  17. How beautifully expressed and I am so glad we all are in the same boat! Meera came home crying yesterday cos she was Hangry and wanted food which I was giving her but she had no patience to wait even a second. Ten morsels later, we were scootering happily at home.
    Fun times! Cherish every minute cos it goes by so quickly.
    Keep writing Smi- it is ur superpower

  18. Beautifully recounted ! Ofcourse, i dont believe a word of it πŸ˜€ you cant complain at all- he is your muse- gets you to pen such a wonderful essay ! Keep writing and dont interrupt his flow !

  19. This is soooo true Smi. As I once read something Twinkle Khanna wrote on these lines, that conservation of energy is an alien concept for these kids. We foster and apply this notion to practice only as we grow older...hehehe.

    Your writing always brings a smile (and often a laugh too):)

    Thanks for writing and sharing. Keep 'em comin.

  20. Very well and clearly written by a frustrated and at the same enchanted mother of an adorable child. That's a special world of kids. We have shed the show of emotions at its raw and uninhibited form as we grow older. I found only one Lack in the narrative. The picture of the little bundle of joy, angel or devil as the circcumtances demand is lacking. Lots of love to the kid and the mother kid. Sampath Uncle

  21. Tanay is surely a cute little munchkin! I could picture him clearly while reading all the episodes 😹.. what makes everything the best is that you really make all his shenanigans special with the way you perceive them... All kids are the same but you treasure the tantrums.. *hugs*

  22. This is so adorable and funny! They are crazy little things who cry and laugh at the drop of a hat (try dropping a hat with them, it's fun :))

    Keep writing breaksc please! Even if Tanay cried because of the reg mug and blue mug (as long as it's not red pill and blue pill!). And meet us soon to see my two little mad ones too :)

  23. Loved it, loved it! You have captured the joy and beauty of that is T. Write more....soon....will treasure these stories.

  24. 2-3 years is the best time to enjoy your kid. Then they lose their cuteness and are just not worth all the trouble :-)

  25. Thank you everyone for your comments!!! I love reading those more than even writing the blog! Hehehe
