Tuesday 5 September 2017


After close to two frenzied weeks, he left today! 

Burdened with the load of everyone's hopes, aspirations, wishes and countless prayers.
Burden? Maybe, maybe not!

For a believer, he looked sad. In each and every one of his manifested idols, the eyes carried a forlorn look.
For the non-believer, he left behind a sea of sad yet terribly noisy people. 

We bring him home relatively noiselessly. But we go berserk while saying our goodbyes. Wonder how that makes him feel!

But as he leaves today, here's a special wish and prayer for him, from all us mere mortals!

We hope that while lowering you in the not so clean waters, we didn't give you respiratory issues, Bappa :)
We hope that all the noise we made while saying goodbye, didn't deafen you, Bappa :)
We hope that all the food we offered you, didn't make you fatter, Bappa :)
We hope that all our individual and collective wishes and prayers, didn't make you upset with human kind, Bappa :)
We hope we were able to show you that in this increasingly worsening world, the good guys are still 51:49 to the bad guys, Bappa :)
We hope that by asking for our peace of mind, we didn't snatch yours away, Bappa :)
We hope that you have instilled in all our hearts the goodness and greatness that you are, Bappa :)

And finally Bappa, we hope that you have collected all our heartfelt love and blessings for you too, Bappa :)



  1. So well expressed...Simi u are simply wonderful and every word you have said makes so much sense..alwYs wonder what gannu must be thinking...hope he forgives us and blesses us always... moryaaaaa 😇

  2. Bappa am sure even u haven't thought about all this as much as this lovely person has...such a wonderful write up showing bappa' s side...absolutely loved it smith

  3. There are days like this where I wish I believed in something bigger than me. Then I could feel like a part of something and ask questions like this and know that they would be answered. Insurmountable odds are easily cast aside when love and faith are in your arsenal. I hope your lovely and joyous questions get answered and even if they remain rhetorical, the joy of these festive days leave behind a warmth and light in your heart that you can turn to on days where things seem darker. Above all this I wish you this joy.

  4. Perfect time Smi... Beautifully written... Like the line of arti.. anyay majhe kotyan koti...moreshwara baa tu ghaal poti...

  5. Please write more so that I can read more. You have a wonderful gift to express everything with a funny twist. Gannu, you better note this down :D

  6. you echoed my thoughts. Wish bappa has instilled some common sense in the common man this year.

  7. So wonderfully expressed:D You resonate that sanity still exists in this chaotic life :) please keep writing more and more

  8. They say your innermost feelings reflect back from the God's idol. Hence he seemed sad to go. Coz we were sad to see him go. Pudhchya varshi lavkarya.

  9. Beautifully written, Smita! Very heart-felt. Well done, and keep writing!

  10. Lovely writing.Thoroughly enjoyed it Chikoooo...
