Thursday 7 November 2019

Mom Chronicles #1

I recently became a mother (actually it’s been a little over a year – but I have decided I am a new mommy until my baby has a baby of its own – he he he). I went through a lot in those initial months … from euphoria, ecstasy and unlimited happiness to debilitating fear, non-stop worry and a permanent feeling of anxiety.

It hit me hard that one single being, one small single being, was capable of making me feel so many contradicting feelings all at once. From the crazy highs to the abysmal lows, I felt it all, all at once!

My family supported me through this in the best way possible – they just kept quiet and let me go through these feelings, laughs, tears, etc., making my own experiences. Well-meaning friends helped me find ways to not sway like a pendulum between my extreme feelings and find a more stable middle ground.

But there was this huge group of people – best known as experts and acquaintances, who generously gave me a lot of advice, opinions, ideas and oodles of judgement on various topics. Of course, all of it was unsolicited! They ranged from:
- how I was to deal with my ‘’non-existent’’ post-partum blues
- how I should raise the infant in my arms without breaking it
- how I must never ignore my husband lest he find someone else and how if that happened, it was no one else’s but my own doing
- how I should just instantly drop on the bed and sleep when the baby sleeps, no matter what I am doing
- how I must eat everything under the sun and lose weight at the same time
- ...and so on and on and on.

Fortunately, I had a lot of friends who had babies before I did and I knew that there would be a lot of such topics open for judgement by these experts J So while at times it got a little irritating, most times, it was entertaining, because I was judging them too, albeit silently and with a different point of view! :-)

Along with all this, I also had a very weird side effect of the pregnancy and delivery. I ended up having a really messy memory.
- I remembered only parts of conversations or stories.
- I would remember that I have to do something – but 90% of the time I couldn’t remember what that something was!
- I would promise people a call back or a visit or even invite them home and forget it the moment that conversation would get over. As a result of which, very frequently, people would come home to meet us at a time when I wouldn’t even be home! (Sorry.)
- I would send the same message, question or pictures to the same person on Whatsapp 3-4 times a day and they would politely tell me that we have already gone over this particular piece of conversation! (Thank you.)
- I would enter a room to do something and exit it doing something entirely different.

Only recently I realized that I still suffer from it. It might even have intensified. Yiiiikkkeeess!

I met an old friend in the market. We were so happy to bump into each other after years. After the initial pleasantries and information exchange, she asked me my daughter’s name. I spent almost 30 seconds trying to remember her name. I laughed nervously too while I was trying to remember the beautiful name. She looked shocked and I could see she was beginning to judge me mildly at the utter lack of memory regarding the most important part of my life. Time was running out and in that instant it hit me like a rock!

I have a Son! :-)


  1. Your long last friend whom you chanced to bump into in the market was mistaken about the gender of your new born , it's not your fault , she hadn't taken the trouble to update herself , do not judge her not yourself based on this trivial incident 😁😁😁😁 be happy stay happy

  2. Hahaha....thoroughly enjoyed it! But I am curious to know which group of “ people” I belong to........keep writing sweetheart, I am sooo proud!

  3. Hahah.... Too funny... So happy to see u back and with more humour...

  4. Love your sense of humour.. bang on as always :)

  5. Amazing!!! Love your sense of humor as always!!

  6. Lovely and so humourous
    Loved itπŸ‘πŸ‘

  7. Writing funny stuff is serious business, but you seem to have perfected the art!!The fact that you've manufactured time to piece this together, speaks volumes of your commitment to keep all of us entertained :) Keep it coming.

  8. Isn't it interesting how the cast of our life has these revolving doors that lets in people whose role is only to show us how not to be. Whose role is so inconsequential yet who believe themselves to be primary characters...
    I find it fascinating how your worldview is open to all these people. Your unapologetic claim to selfness is incredible. Please keep it just like that.

  9. Hahaha this is amazing! You've penned down everything so accurately about what we moms go through! Except you've done it with such great humor that it makes it such a wonderful read! Would love to read more, please keep it coming!

  10. It was worth the wait! You write with heart, and are funny as heck. Can't wait for the next one!

  11. Super stuff smi this is so you..and all the new moms out there .love love love it .u rock babes πŸ˜˜πŸ€—❤

  12. I haven't read everything on your blog but these Chronicles I am going to follow!
