Tuesday, 5 September 2017


After close to two frenzied weeks, he left today! 

Burdened with the load of everyone's hopes, aspirations, wishes and countless prayers.
Burden? Maybe, maybe not!

For a believer, he looked sad. In each and every one of his manifested idols, the eyes carried a forlorn look.
For the non-believer, he left behind a sea of sad yet terribly noisy people. 

We bring him home relatively noiselessly. But we go berserk while saying our goodbyes. Wonder how that makes him feel!

But as he leaves today, here's a special wish and prayer for him, from all us mere mortals!

We hope that while lowering you in the not so clean waters, we didn't give you respiratory issues, Bappa :)
We hope that all the noise we made while saying goodbye, didn't deafen you, Bappa :)
We hope that all the food we offered you, didn't make you fatter, Bappa :)
We hope that all our individual and collective wishes and prayers, didn't make you upset with human kind, Bappa :)
We hope we were able to show you that in this increasingly worsening world, the good guys are still 51:49 to the bad guys, Bappa :)
We hope that by asking for our peace of mind, we didn't snatch yours away, Bappa :)
We hope that you have instilled in all our hearts the goodness and greatness that you are, Bappa :)

And finally Bappa, we hope that you have collected all our heartfelt love and blessings for you too, Bappa :)
