Saturday, 20 December 2014

Gang of Girls!

The bolt of lightning lasted 2 days and 2 posts!

Suddenly, I didn't know what to write about next. I was hoping to be all intellectual, smart and cool by writing on various intelligent topics and I thought I’d be writing posts every day by the hour! Unfortunately, I have experienced what accomplished people encounter after years of writing. Yes, I have already encountered a Writer’s Block! The fact that I have called myself a ‘Writer’ itself should tell you how high my expectations were from myself when I started this blog! J

So, I turned to my ever helpful, ever supportive Gang of Girls for motivation.

There’s something extremely special about this Gang. These are women from different backgrounds and corners of the world, who are all achievers in their respective fields. Amazing managers at work, extremely talented in their crafts and exceptional home-makers: They are all encompassing. These women never fail to surprise me, inspire me and spur me on in life.

Whether it is a work-related issue or a personal issue or even a kitchen related issue – these girls have the perfect answers and suggestions.

They share my life – they patiently hear me crib, they put up with my non-stop chatter and hazardous auto-corrected sentences, they hear me gloat about achievements at work and even the minor triumphs in the kitchen, they motivate me to try harder – but they never judge. They don’t hold grudges or prejudices. They understand. Collectively, they are my support system. They are whom I turn to for every little thing in life. They are my reality check.

It is when we care and share our joys and pains with each other – that we find God in our midst. Because, the Force exists where there’s love and compassion.

They have taught me this so effortlessly!!

And so, here’s a big shout out to all these wonderful women in my life – you know who you are! I hope you know just how special you are to me!! J

Monday, 15 December 2014

The Misconception about Power!

Why is power so misunderstood, so mistaken and yet so popular! What is it about Power – that makes even the noblest men buckle, the kindest ladies stumble?

It’s magnetic, really! I am an only child. I didn't have any one older or younger to wield my ‘power’ on. I thought I was cool. Then one day, my parents seemed to praise a cousin over me. I didn't like that. Yeah – I was jealous. But what it really was, was the sense of losing power over my parent’s preferences. That’s how deep-rooted and grass-rooted the problem really is!

We see this day in and day out – manifesting in different forms, in different lives, in different stages.

We see in all societies the serious manifestations like a man raping a woman, a mother-in-law troubling her daughter-in-law, demanding for dowry, a boss bossing over his subordinate, a college bully ragging the junior or even mundane ones like a child’s stubbornness for a toy or a chocolate, two people fighting over a seat in a local train, Etc.

But really, the worst form of manifestation is when we – the mere mortals that we are – think it is ok to involve God in this whole power struggle! In the name of God, in the name of Religion, we divide and rule, we kill and slaughter, we defame and loot.

But isn't there only ONE God, in different forms, and that ONE God only wants ONE thing – Peace. How can we lose sight of this simple truth if we claim to know and understand the almighty! Why do we corrupt this with our incessant and unnecessary need for Power?

In the end, we all die. We all go back to dust. How does a life full of this power struggle help in any way to change or revise the end? And if it can’t, why do we want such a power? Isn't then it better to be at peace within our means and be happy, than to be unhappy and greedy for something that doesn't even give us our perceived enhancement in life?

Today, when the Lindt Cafe is under siege in Sydney, this question becomes all the more relevant!

Is life all about a struggle for power? Or is it our one chance to say Thank You to the almighty for giving us a chance to experience a phenomenon called LIFE ?

Prayers for all the hostages!

Sunday, 14 December 2014

First wala Post !

I have been wanting to write a blog for quite some time now. Finally found the motivation to open the page. 

I have numerous conversations every moment with myself, with people around me, with even inanimate things around the house. I may sound crazy :-) But seriously, don't we all have conversations with ourselves in our minds !

I thought sharing some of these thoughts and conversations would be fun !! So here I am ... with a blog to share all the big and small things in life with you :-)

Yayyy :-))